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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013


Diposting oleh S. C. N. Intan Paramitha di 7/02/2013 11:23:00 AM
I do not know where they
have laid Him.
The stone is taken away from the tomb.
Oh! they have taken Him away!
Oh! where is He?

Disciples came and saw
the empty tomb;
but went away so soon to
their own homes.
Their satisfied with just the facts,
but, where's my Lord?

Chorus 1:
Where is He, my Jesus?
Where is He, my Beloved?
Where is He Whom my
soul doth love?
Jesus, my love, I just want You.

My heart is broken from
my deepest need.
Don't ask me, angels,
why I'm weeping.
Nothing but Jesus fills my inner being.
Oh! where's my love?

Someone is standing right behind me.
It's just the gardener, I can barely see.
Sir, if you've carried Him away.
Oh! where is He?

Chorus 2:
Where is He, my Jesus?
Where is He, my Beloved?
Tell me where you have laid Him
and I'll carry Him away,
I'll carry Him away.

And then I heard a voice say,"Mary".
That sweetest voice that
penetrated me.
It is the voice of my Beloved,
Jesus, my love.

Chorus 3:
I have found my Jesus!
I have found my Beloved!
I have found Whom my soul doth love,
Jesus, my love, I just love You!

But Jesus told me not to
touch Him yet.
He must ascend first to the Father;
and to My Father and your Father,
to My God and your God.

Go and tell My brothers,
I ascend to the Father
To My Father and your Father
And my God and your God,
Go tell My brothers.

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