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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013


Diposting oleh S. C. N. Intan Paramitha di 7/02/2013 11:24:00 AM
Lord, how long, dear Bridegroom,
'til you come, Lord, how soon?
Don't delay for that coming day, coming day.
Grant me Lord, to be filled
with You, Lord, every day.
Dearest Lord, take me all the way.

Come, Lord Jesus,
please come, dear Bridegroom!
Precious One, come soon, come soon.
Lord, consume me!
Oh Lord, don't let me stray,
faithful to You all the way.

Lord, make home in all my heart
in my secret, deepest parts.
Hidden, Lord, and reserved for You.
You would be preeminent
in all things and all events
possessed by Thee to that extent

In my prayer and deepest plea,
in my spirit always be
saturated and soaked with Thee.
This would be my life daily
every hour expecting Thee
this I pray, Lord, desperately!

The universe, in it we see,
in the sweetest touch of Thee,
You're my choice and my destiny.
Lord, whate'er the price may be
Lord, Amen, let it be!
Oh, my Love, please come back quickly!

In Your love I am constrained.
What's within, I can't contain.
Lord I can't any more restrain.
In Your love, I'll pour on Thee
and the church, Your Bride to be,
this my choice voluntarily.


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