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Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

Anyone of Us (Stupid Mistake)

Diposting oleh S. C. N. Intan Paramitha di 12/15/2013 09:04:00 AM
I´ve been letting you down, down
Girl I know I've been such a fool
Giving in to temptation
When I should´ve played it cool
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand


It can happen to..
Anyone of us, anyone you think of
Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break
´Cause I made a stupid mistake
It can happen to..
Anyone of us, say you will forgive me
Anyone can fail
Say you will believe me
I can´t take my heart will break
´Cause I made a stupid mistake
A stupid mistake

She was kind of exciting
A little crazy I should´ve known
She must have altered my senses
´Cause I offered to walk her home
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand


A stupid mistake
she means nothing to me
(nothing to me)
I swear every word is true
don´t wanna lose you

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